Tier 1 of the 4-tier WASBA certification
We offer Beginning Beekeeper classes year-round because taking such a class is such an important step. Ideally, prospective beekeepers take an in-depth class, not just a sales promo, before purchasing any equipment or bees. Because bees and equipment should be ordered during the winter or in early spring, a class in Winter or early Spring before ordering anything can prevent many mistakes and disappointment.
Dates and times for next Beginning Beekeeper session is given below:

Beginning Beekeeper
Bringing Bees, Beekeepers & Bee People Together
Email eliochel@gmail.com or call Eli at 206-859-7392 if the following information does not answer all your questions.
If these class dates and times do not work for you, email eliochel@gmail.com to be placed on notification list for later classes. SKBA offers Beginner about 5 times per year, Apprentice about 3 times and Journeyman twice per year or as requested.
The next Beginning Beekeeper course (Tier 1 of the 4-tier WASBA certifications) is offered by SnoKing Beekeepers via zoom in 7 consecutive Tuesday evening sessions 6:30PM to 8PM starting January 14, 2025 and ending February 24, 2025. Each session will start with a powerpoint presentation followed as much time as needed for questions and discussion after each session. The instructor for this course will be Brandy Eckman, Journeyman candidate.
Class & outline: Class powerpoint presentations generally follow the chapters in the manual. We'll email an outline for each session that has some notes on it to reduce the need for notetaking. Powerpoint presentation is more detailed than the manual.
Application: Please fill out the class application, if possible online at www.snokingbka.org by clicking on the button below. If online application is not possible, we will be glad to send you an application by email. Completing the application is important: the manual will be sent to the address given, and the name on application goes on the certificate.
The $55 class fee includes the class manual which is offered in 2 formats: digital and print. The digital .pdf is emailed to all students and future updates will be sent out digitally to all students enrolled in the course. The print manual can be mailed by USPS to the address on the application. It has been requested that SnoKing offer a “Save Trees!” option, the option to receive only the electronic version of the manual with updates emailed as they occur in the future. The price is still the same for the digital only as for the both digital and print options because WASBA prices them that way.
So, if you wish to “Save Trees”, please select that option on the application below.
Certificate: Class fee includes manual, certificate and WASBA 2025 dues, which WASBA considers paid when you receive the certificate.
Payment: $85 total ($55 for the course plus $30 for SnoKing dues Sept. 1, 2024– August 31, 2025) by
1. paypal to snokingba@gmail.com, or
2. various payment methods via the “Donate” button at the top of this page, or by
3. check to SnoKing Beekeepers Association, 15324 228th ST SE, Snohomish, WA
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Eli Ocheltree, master beekeeper
SnoKing Beekeepers Association
206-859-7392, 8AM to 10PM.