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Class Registration

Apprentice Beekeeper Application

     Apprentice is the 2nd tier of the 4-tier curriculum of the Washington State Beekeepers Association (WASBA): Beginning, Apprentice, Journeyman, Master. The curriculum is designed to be sequential, so the WASBA Beginner certificate is to be earned before starting Apprentice. Also, you must have kept bees for at least one season. If you are unsure which class to register for, please contact Eli Ocheltree,, 206-859-7392, first.

For more detailed information on the next Apprentice class offered, please click here:

     Beginning Beekeeper may be challenged if desired. Payment of membership and of class fee will still be required, but experienced beekeepers or beekeepers who have taken another beginner class may wish to read the manual and challenge the online test. Email Eli Ocheltree at if you wish to do so.

To see the requirements for any tier, click here or go to the Washington State Beekeepers Association (WASBA) at

     If registering for a class, please add and to your "Contacts" or "Safe Senders" list to keep our response to your application and payment from going into your Spam folder. If you are expecting a response from us, please also check there if you have not added those addresses. 

     The next course will be offered in 7 weekly sessions on Thursdays October 3rd through November 21.  Please note no class on October 10th. Each session will run 6:30 PM to 8 PM with as much time as needed afterwards for questions and discussion.

    The $55 fee includes the class manual which is offered in 2 formats: digital and print. The digital .pdf  is emailed to all students with updates provided by email and the print manual can be mailed by USPS. It has been requested that SnoKing offer a "Save Trees!" option, the option to receive only the electronic version of the manual and not the customary print manual as well. Please indicate on the application which option you wish. Price is the same for both options.

Apprentice Beekeeper Class Application
I am registering for the following course:

I earned the WASBA Beginner Certificate with SnoKing Beekeepers or at this bee club or bee supply store:

Please indicate whether you are paying $30 membership dues as well as $55 for the class, or you have just paid 2024-2025 membership and are only paying $55 for the class.
Select your manual(s) option. Please note the class fee remains the same for both options.
Please indicate method of payment we can expect to receive from you. Please note that these options do not take you directly to payment, because you would exit this form and the information you have entered would be lost. Please pay after clicking the Submit button.

Thanks for registering. Please pay by paypal to or by using the "Donate" button on the header of this page. Personal check may be sent to the address given above on the application.

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